Thursday, July 31, 2008

Finally!!! I got a movie to watch!!!

A while back, I had seen a preview for a movie called LAGAAN. It's a Hindi movie that was nominated back in 2001 for best foreign film with the Academy Awards. It kind of was lost in all of the Chaos of late 2001. But I've seen a preview of it and it interested me. I tried to get it through netflix but it all of a sudden disapeared off of there. So I tried to see if I could see it on the net. Could only find songs on youtube. They weren't subtitled and after trying to get subtitles, I just gave up trying to watch it on the computer. I went to ebay and found it. After two long weeks, and a letter to the sender asking where it was, I finally got LAGAAN!! But, I won't have time to watch it until tomorrow night! The movie is FOUR HOURS LONG!!! I kid you not. And every review I've seen says it's worth every minute! I can't wait to see this. But for the moment, I will wait and I will leave you with this one song from it. Check it out! Yes, it's a "bollywood" musical!!!
Tell you more about it after I see it! BYE!!!

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