Well, This is IT!!! I, with the help of Friends and Family, will start DRINKING WATER instead of SODA!!!
It officially begins on Monday, April 21, 2008.

Why is Rick doing this?
While sitting in the money room one evening, Carlisha (head cashier) and I (Rick) were talking about our weight and what we thought we needed to lose. We realized that sodas were one of the biggest problems we had. We drink alot of sodas. I think I drink more than most everyone at the store. Well, out of that conversation, Carlisha burst out with, "On Monday, we will stop drinking sodas all together! What do you say? We'll do this together!" I was reluctant at first. I LOVE MY SODAS and PEPSI!!! Can I do this?
I had tried with some good success a while back and thought I could mabey do it again. So I agreed. Then Carlisha began telling everyone in the store, including my store manager, that we were not allowed to have any sodas at all. "If you see Rick with one, grab it and pour it out in front of him and tell him no." While some employees were talking with my wife they told her that I was going to do this too. Beth, our Admin Manager, even told my wife that Carlisha has told the entire store. Which is not a lie.
What has been the suprise is that so many people seem to really be getting behind me and are even thinking about doing this with us.
I know that with all of this support at work, We can all have a shot at losing some more weight. Since January, I've lost about 9 pounds. If I cut the sodas too, I think I could really get this down.
I hope that everyone can do this. I hope I can do this for a long time. I'm ready! I had my last Pepsi before I left work. I'm going to have some sprite and then that's it.
Here's to the great challenge!!! Bottoms up everyone!!!

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